
Hear from top attorneys on how they've built the legal practices they've always wanted.

Find A Firm That Matches Your Passion And Entrepreneurial Ambitions

“What makes a good entrepreneur? It starts with the willingness to take risks. I found my passion for the practice of law again,” says Scale partner Dori Karjian, after he moved on from traditional firms to leverage his extensive background providing guidance to innovative growth-stage companies at Scale LLP. Emerging firms are building a new practice model to help lawyers who see themselves as entrepreneurs thrive. Watch the video:

Do it. Do it right. Do right.

Many attorneys strive to be a force for good in their community but their impact can only go so far at a small, boutique practice. Meanwhile, the demand for billable hours at Top Am Law firms often keeps attorneys from having the time to prioritize broader community impact work. This inability to provide the outsized impact he wanted is what made James Creedon decide to join Scale. See how the support and expertise of a national network of like-minded attorneys allowed James to be an even greater force for good.

Challenge the Status Quo by Forging Your Own Legal Career Path

With the beginning of a new year comes the opportunity to consider your career goals with a renewed sense of purpose. Are you satisfied with the direction of your current practice, or do you want to forge a path that allows you to keep the things you love about your practice while shedding the things you want to leave behind? See how Heather Cantua, former in-house counsel and current Deputy Managing Partner at Scale, left her prior firm to create a more gratifying path based on her own definition of success.

A Practice that Reflects the Impact You Want to Make in the World

Does your law practice support the larger impact you want to make in the world? See how Scale Partner Kristen Smith Dayley wears two hats - building a successful Corporate practice serving top clients and serving as Executive Director to a major non-profit organization, where she uses her unique skillset to focus on the deeply rewarding work of humanitarian relief and refugee resettlement.

Success is delivering the best service to your clients and doing what you love.

As a litigator, Jamie Wells loves the adrenaline rush of being in a courtroom. Being a partner at a traditional law firm, she enjoyed advocating for her clients but found she had no personal time and felt her career was being defined for her. See how she was able to bet on herself to build her own litigation practice and provide even better service to her clients “with ease.”

Fractional General Counsel and Disruptive Startups: The Perfect Match

After previously working in an in-house role, for the last several years Amy Duvanich has pivoted to operating as a fractional general counsel to tech startups. She found it incredibly fulfilling to help disruptive companies change the world and realized that the Scale model was a terrific fit for this dynamic. See how she was drawn to the role and why she feels fractional GCs are best suited to meet the legal needs of startups.

Lucrative for the Pocketbook… and the Soul

Scott Wiegand left the comfort of big law partnership and in-house executive GC roles to build a more fulfilling practice that’s “lucrative for the pocketbook … and the soul.” The traditional practice of grinding out billable hours is a thing of the past. See how Scott left all of that behind to build a modern legal practice that fits into his life, not the other way around.

Freedom to work where, when, and with whom you want

With a decade of legal experience under his belt, Doug Mitchell knew that his valuable expertise merited more autonomy than BigLaw could offer. Doug sought out a better law firm experience at Scale LLP, giving him the opportunity to continue practicing on his own terms, with more control over his career. See how this new approach provided a better path to accomplish goals in all areas of his life - as an attorney, husband, and father.

Passion for Clients Leads to a Deeply Rewarding Practice Experience

Some attorneys find that they want to branch out to a wider range of clients or provide more tailored, practical solutions to the problems that clients face. The traditional legal model doesn’t necessarily suit these priorities. As a result, modern law firms are emerging and cultivating an atmosphere where senior attorneys can apply their substantial experience and a deep understanding of their clients in a way that provides better solutions to client business needs. See how Brian Elliott’s decades of experience and entrepreneurial expertise positioned him to provide services perfectly tailored to helping businesses grow, as his practice thrives.

Challenge the Status Quo by Forging Your Own Legal Career Path

After having worked in BigLaw and as in-house counsel, Heather Cantua found that the direction of her legal career path was being determined by the equity partners and the business priorities of her in-house client. Eventually, she chose not to wait for others to provide her path, and created her own. See why she thinks Scale is the perfect home for entrepreneurial-minded attorneys like her who seek to challenge the long-held assumptions of the legal industry.

Build, Grow, Thrive at the 2022 Scale Firmwide Retreat in Denver

We’re excited to be growing such a strong nationwide community of entrepreneurial attorneys who “Build, Grow & Thrive” together. Check out highlights from this year’s Firmwide Retreat at the Tech Hub in downtown Denver, and see what it’s like to be part of a community of top-tier attorneys who are all dedicated to building a more flexible, fulfilling, and lucrative practice.