Eric Blatt

Corporate & Securities
Intellectual Property


Washington, DC
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Eric Blatt advises emerging companies as to intellectual property and strategic transactions. An accomplished litigator and a former patent examiner at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Eric is skilled at absorbing new technologies, crafting persuasive arguments, and cost-effectively delivering results. A leading expert on intellectual property issues relating to federally-funded R&D, Eric leads a unique specialty practice focused on dual-use ventures and emerging defense technology. Eric speaks and publishes frequently on intellectual property and other issues relating to the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program—a federal program that annually awards approximately $5 billion to startups and small businesses conducting high-impact R&D.

Eric serves in a part-time role as Executive Director for the Alliance for Commercial Technology in Government, where he advocates for the policy interests of emerging companies developing and delivering technology to the government. He also serves as a mentor with several accelerators, including the Navy’s SBIR/STTR Transition Program and MIT's Mission Innovation Program.

Areas of Expertise

Intellectual Property Strategy
Government Data Rights
IP Transactions and Strategic Partnerships
Federally Funded R&D
IP Litigation

Prior Associations

Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck PC
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office


Northwestern University School of Law (magna cum laude)
Duke University

Bar Admission

District of Columbia
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office

Articles and Press

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